
Is it time to write a new story?
If you could replace your old story with a new one, what would you choose?

Do you have control issues?
How do you reach for certainty when you’re feeling anxious, worried, angry, sad, nervous, ambivalent, overwhelmed, lost, afraid, frustrated, annoyed…?

Is anyone else feeling stressed?!?
“What I most need to do when I’m feeling stressed is get out of my head and get back into my body”

Where did the summer go?
… an invitation for you to reflect on the past few months…

What brings out the best in you?
I’m reflecting on how I want to feel in my other relationships & social interactions. I want to feel completely comfortable in my own skin and love the person I have become and am becoming.

What would it be like to live outside of time?
When I prioritize feeling inward, coming home to myself, I love myself more. I have more energy; I get excited about possibilities and curiosities, and I enjoy being with myself and others more.

This is what I get excited about!
“Learning how to feel sensations in your body gets you out of the chatter in your brain and helps you to work more effectively with your nervous system.”

Don’t go changing….
When you contemplate change, even if that change is positive, your nervous system fights back with every weapon in its arsenal.

What’s your Superpower?
Every one of us has superpowers. But we are unable to utilize and share our powers when we fail to recognize and acknowledge them.

Strength and Ease – they’re not exclusive!
“…we have to try things outside our current capability to expand our ability”

Patience is a virtue
Is it enjoyable to turn your attention inward, or do you get a little impatient?

“What do you do to stay sane?”
Coping mechanisms can help you get through the day, but they won’t have an effect on the reason for stress or pain.

Joy is good for you!
Wouldn’t it be great if joy was a default pattern in your nervous system?

Balance… noun or verb, journey or destination?
“…I think the most important tool in balancing, in any aspect of life, is the ability to feel…”

How to change the world… (psst… look inside!)
How different would the world be if we spent more time listening and learning, seeking to understand instead of judging?

Do you ever have one of those days?
Can you respond to the difficult days with love and compassion for yourself?

We are creatures of habit. What does that mean?
Are your habits supporting you, or are you supporting them?

Have you come to your senses?
The skill of sensing is one of the most valuable things I can teach you.

What were you like as a child?
What childhood memories are most vivid? How do these feel in your body?

New Year, New You?
“I’m not one for new year’s resolutions, but I do like the collective energy I feel around the flipping of a calendar page”

Bridging the gap between “should” and “is”…
“…it comes back to feeling, one moment at a time. One breath at a time.”

Do you love your feet?
For feet to work well, we need to get them working!

Is it Summer or Fall?
… what does it mean to live one moment at a time, to just be?

Learning from the in between places
I’m curious about the echoes in the universe…

What does it mean to be whole and complete?
What if we thought more in terms of “both/and” and less in terms of “either/or”?

Curiosity. Playfulness. Different Solutions
Can you give yourself permission to be curious and playful about the ways that you’re moving?

What is Mindful Movement?
Create ease, improve coordination, increase mobility and stability.

Everything is connected…
Lately I’ve been thinking about the spaces between myself and others, about the permeability of my cell walls – the thickness of my skin, both literally and metaphorically.

Great Expectations … or???
…stories become the expectations that I bring to life.

“Everyone is a house with four rooms”
Where do you tend to spend more time? What room(s) do you avoid?

New Year’s Resolutions…
What if the big changes we would like to experience take place one small choice at a time?

Different bodies – different choices…
It can sound a bit overwhelming to realize we have so many choices. But I believe that each choice represents agency, accountability, and freedom.

Your Nervous System’s Stress Response – a Pattern to get curious about!
One of the lovely things about living mindfully is we get to notice when our nervous system is on high alert, step back (if it’s safe to do so) and be curious about what’s going on…

Feeling Stressed? That doesn’t mean something is wrong with you!
In times of stress, we can find resilience and strength by looking inward, then moving forward one choice at a time.

Home Practice – making choices
Here is a little practice for you to start to listen to your body and start learning about choices that are present.
Please turn off your ringer and set your timer for 10 minutes ….

Mindfulness or Mindlessness?
Living mindfully asks us to pay attention to all areas of our lives – to our bodies, our spirits, our minds, our relationships with others and with the world around us…

Lazy Days of Summer
I have to confess that summer makes me lazy.

Every body has a story.
My experience of my body is my own – it can’t be translated for others, and I can’t understand what the experience of others is. So where does that leave me as a teacher of movement?

Movement Soup…
love to cook. There’s something deeply fulfilling to me about finding a new recipe (or digging out an old favourite) and spending a day off shopping, prepping and cooking.

Welcome, Spring!
As we step into spring, I am looking back on this strangest of winters, thinking about its challenges and its blessings.

Three Simple Exercises for Shoulder Pain
To keep my classes relevant, I regularly ask my students for input – are there topics, movements, body parts that they’d like me to address in the movements we do together each week?

How Are You???
I’ve been catching myself lately, often too late, in the asking and answering of the question, “How are you?”

What are you practicing?
I’ve been knitting for about thirteen years now, and I still remember the first sock I made. It was awful. So awful that I didn’t bother to make a second one and threw the needles down in frustration, anger and disgust.

Falling in Love with Fall
I don’t know about you, but Autumn can really knock me off balance.
I love summer. I love being able to just grab my keys (and mask!) and kick on my sandals when I head out the door. I love sitting on our terrace with a cold drink and watching the sunset. Life feels easier and simpler during the

Paradox … or Finding Joy in the Mystery
I was taking a walk with a friend the other day along our local lakefront trail, and we were talking about this paradox. My friend shared the learning that joyfulness is an attitude, not a state of mind.

Your body is talking – are you listening?
Winter can be a great opportunity to pause and look inward – here’s some food for thought during this introspective season…